D70: John, Leonard, David, Kenny, Josh, Jake, March, 1965
D70: Ardmore students playing volleyball 1962
D70: Ardmore Teacher Students checking out the Hill climb cars 11 11 1962 Dury
D70: 2nd year dinner December 1962
D70: Tatuanui school students cooling off after seeing Queen Elizabeth II and Duke at Tauranga February 9th 1963
D70: Standards 2 - 3 - 4 Tatuanui School 1963
D70: Blackmore School, snow, December 1964
D70: Tatuanui School panorama
D70: Blackmore School, Rainbow Colony, 1964
D70: Residential Halls 1962
D70: Morrinsville Intermediate School, 2BP, March 31, 1966
D70: Now to get home
D70: BonAmme, meets students, Carnaval, Feb 6, 1978
D70: Ardmore Teachers College learners pool
D70: School buses for Ngaruawahia field trip 1966
D70: Music class 1962 - Ardmore Teachers College
D70: Ardmore Mens residences
D70: Blackmore school, No 2423, roll 13 students, September 9th, 1964
D70: Music assembly hall 1962
D70: Lahr schools Carnaval parade 1978
D70: 1961 No2 Ardmore Teachers Training College Students
D70: 03 Halls I and H Ardmore teachers college
D70: Hannie Metz and Lux 1962
D70: 1937 Morris 8 parked Ardmore Teachers College 11 11 1962
D70: Morrinsville College and Intermediate School 1965
D70: Ardmore, Assembly hall
D70: Blackmore School, girls, March, 1965
D70: Tatuanui School 2014
D70: Lahr Caserne June 1979
D70: Uniformed Form 2 children on a field trip to Donald's farm taking notes