Western Stalwart:
National Welsh 492 (BUH240V), Leyland National 2
Western Stalwart:
Southern National 934 (VDV134S), Bristol VR/ECW
Western Stalwart:
A duo of REs
Western Stalwart:
Bristol single deckers
Western Stalwart:
Bristol 5150 (AHW201V), Bristol VR/ECW
Western Stalwart:
Badgerline 2098 (PWS492S), Leyland Leopard/Plaxton Paramount
Western Stalwart:
London Country SNB543 (EPD543V), Leyland National
Western Stalwart:
Express Coaches
Western Stalwart:
City Line 9621 (K621LAE), Leyland Olympian/Northern Counties Palatine
Western Stalwart:
Abus XHK221X, Bristol VR/ECW
Western Stalwart:
Green half-cabs arrive...
Western Stalwart:
Bristol 7246 (FHU59D), Bristol Lodekka/ECW
Western Stalwart:
Bristol 8515 (969EHW), Bristol KS/ECW
Western Stalwart:
Bristol services - city and country
Western Stalwart:
VR leaves Leopard
Western Stalwart:
Western National 1423 (EDV505D), Bristol RE/ECW
Western Stalwart:
Wilts & Dorset 846 (TRU947J), Bristol RE/ECW
Western Stalwart:
Bristol 2062 (WHW374H), Bristol RE/ECW
Western Stalwart:
London Country SNB543 (EPD543V), Leyland National
Western Stalwart:
London Country SNB543 (EPD543V), Leyland National
Western Stalwart:
Trent 421 (GNU568N), Leyland National
Western Stalwart:
Bristol 1307 (HHW920L), Bristol RE/ECW
Western Stalwart:
Rally line-up
Western Stalwart:
Bristol single deckers
Western Stalwart:
Bristol Tramways 2355 (AHU803), Bristol J/Bristol
Western Stalwart:
Bristol 7246 (FHU59D), Bristol Lodekka/ECW
Western Stalwart:
Glasgow PTE 697 (HGD903L), Leyland Atlantean/Alexander
Western Stalwart:
Bristol 2150 (FHW156D), Bristol MW/ECW
Western Stalwart:
Bristol 1307 (HHW920L), Bristol RE/ECW
Western Stalwart:
Bristol 'deckers through the ages