d-arch: SFCJM
d-arch: 100_6647
d-arch: Taking Coffee & Frisbee too seriously
d-arch: Peter&Pauls
d-arch: Fridge!
d-arch: Beirut!
d-arch: Red Hallway!
d-arch: Fountain at Artesia winery
d-arch: Pool at Artesia winery
d-arch: Tasting Deck at Artesia
d-arch: Napa Valley
d-arch: Artesia front yard
d-arch: Explaining how to jump...
d-arch: Jump! Napa (D&O)
d-arch: Jump! Napa
d-arch: MUMM Napa Valley
d-arch: Parasols
d-arch: Champagne
d-arch: DSC_0114
d-arch: Chihuly exhibition at the DeYoung
d-arch: Chihuly exhibition at the DeYoung
d-arch: chihuly exhibit
d-arch: Chihuly exhibit
d-arch: Chihuly @the DeYoung
d-arch: DeYoung tower
d-arch: DeYoung
d-arch: In front of the DeYoung
d-arch: The Hood
d-arch: KMD Softball
d-arch: KMD Softball