czita13: Lonely swan
czita13: Woodpecker
czita13: Project Flickr- week18 - Low Point of View
czita13: Guess: landing or taking off?
czita13: Attack on the photographer
czita13: Project Flickr-week 23-Alone
czita13: Project Flickr- week23-Alone
czita13: Just stretching :)
czita13: Company of ...three
czita13: Lunch for the little ones :)
czita13: Bird house
czita13: Project Flickr. week36- On the way
czita13: Peacock
czita13: Just chilling :)
czita13: " Why are you looking at me?!"
czita13: Waxwing
czita13: Like an angel
czita13: Turning right
czita13: Early spring
czita13: Just posing
czita13: Male House Finch
czita13: Whitcrowned Sparrow
czita13: Male Mountain Bluebird
czita13: Female Ruby-throated Hummingbird
czita13: Female Ruby-throated Hummingbird
czita13: American Gold Finch
czita13: Brown Thrasher