ubiquit23: seated staircases
ubiquit23: P1880821
ubiquit23: 2in1
ubiquit23: Nicht Wasser - Hitze ist was da von der Straße aufsteigt
ubiquit23: a touch of long times ago
ubiquit23: 3 decades and an upcoming one
ubiquit23: wing with pigeon (Quadriga)
ubiquit23: Karl Marx stashed because underground construction
ubiquit23: old and new concrete
ubiquit23: soft edge
ubiquit23: up side down mirror
ubiquit23: Sonnidee Jugendmode
ubiquit23: lost head
ubiquit23: young old fasion
ubiquit23: 19th century - 1970s - 2000s
ubiquit23: state bicycle rack
ubiquit23: seperate eyes
ubiquit23: Dom(e) ahead
ubiquit23: dragon killer
ubiquit23: still walking on the metro traks
ubiquit23: U5 will be here
ubiquit23: look at this!
ubiquit23: a breeze of italy
ubiquit23: an nice new street lamp
ubiquit23: Homeless in tourist ghetto
ubiquit23: Windows Tucholskystraße, Berlin
ubiquit23: Ziegelstraße Berlin-Mitte
ubiquit23: Bodestraße Berlin-Mitte
ubiquit23: strong and soft shoulder
ubiquit23: Elisabeth Lüders Cinema