cyrusoxford: Getting some inspiration
cyrusoxford: Less than 50% fat of normal crisps
cyrusoxford: Steve tracking
cyrusoxford: Listening to it, again.
cyrusoxford: It says here you are playing it wrong.
cyrusoxford: Guitar
cyrusoxford: I can't play it right!
cyrusoxford: Headphone mix
cyrusoxford: Jamie
cyrusoxford: Good times in the studio.
cyrusoxford: Beauties restrung, ready for the studio...
cyrusoxford: Control room
cyrusoxford: This side of the glass
cyrusoxford: Pure musical joy
cyrusoxford: Enjoying time behind the kit
cyrusoxford: Man in action
cyrusoxford: Loving it
cyrusoxford: Mixing
cyrusoxford: The view from the vocal room