cyrusoxford: Dad trying on my hat
cyrusoxford: Pre-flight with Harvard
cyrusoxford: Boarding the LongRanger chopper
cyrusoxford: Timetable of sorties
cyrusoxford: Very, very close
cyrusoxford: Spit flyby
cyrusoxford: Spitfire
cyrusoxford: Spitfire
cyrusoxford: Dad with his signed print
cyrusoxford: Happy after the flight
cyrusoxford: Spitfire
cyrusoxford: Spitfire
cyrusoxford: Spitfire buzzes treetops
cyrusoxford: Spitfire
cyrusoxford: Spitfire
cyrusoxford: Spitfire
cyrusoxford: Finn, our mascot for the day
cyrusoxford: I.d. badge
cyrusoxford: Spitfire on the ground
cyrusoxford: Spitfire on the ground
cyrusoxford: Charlie Brown asking for his cup of tea
cyrusoxford: Spit, Charlie Brown and our guide Alastair
cyrusoxford: Spitfire on the ground
cyrusoxford: Dad and me, with Spifire!
cyrusoxford: Spitfire on the ground
cyrusoxford: Spitfire on the ground
cyrusoxford: Spitfire on the ground
cyrusoxford: Spitfire on the ground
cyrusoxford: Spitfire detail
cyrusoxford: Spitfire cockpit