cyrusoxford: Bois-de-cise pebbles
cyrusoxford: Dad, Jacques, Fran, Phine
cyrusoxford: Honfleur tea shop sign
cyrusoxford: Honfleur Harbour
cyrusoxford: Choosing lunch
cyrusoxford: Honfleur alcohol
cyrusoxford: Honfleur harbour
cyrusoxford: Honfleur harbour
cyrusoxford: Honfleur harbour
cyrusoxford: Dad on cobbles
cyrusoxford: Honfleur spire
cyrusoxford: Honfleur street
cyrusoxford: Camera wall
cyrusoxford: Honfleur harbour
cyrusoxford: Anti-aircraft Dad
cyrusoxford: Dad & Fran at Pegasus Bridge musuem
cyrusoxford: Cy & Dad under Pegasus Bridge
cyrusoxford: Dad & replica Horsa glider at Pegasus Bridge museum
cyrusoxford: 25lb gun sight
cyrusoxford: Dad & Fran with Pegasus Bridge
cyrusoxford: Mulberry harbour
cyrusoxford: Looking out over Arromanches mulberry harbour
cyrusoxford: Bayeux cathedral
cyrusoxford: Bayeux canal and mill
cyrusoxford: Bayeux mill stream
cyrusoxford: Bayeux mill stream
cyrusoxford: Bayeux market shopping
cyrusoxford: Radis noir, Bayeux market
cyrusoxford: Fromage!
cyrusoxford: Girl on swing in Bayeux hotel garden