cyrusoxford: Fruit! Cheese! Crackers! Water!
cyrusoxford: I Love Lucky Strike
cyrusoxford: Central Park, early Sunday morning.
cyrusoxford: Iconic.
cyrusoxford: American crest
cyrusoxford: Classics.
cyrusoxford: NYC side-street colours.
cyrusoxford: Phine Times Square.
cyrusoxford: Manhattan on the Hudson
cyrusoxford: Battery park grimace.
cyrusoxford: Battery park bike
cyrusoxford: Brooklyn Bridge
cyrusoxford: Manhattan bridge.
cyrusoxford: Manhattan skyline
cyrusoxford: Brooklyn Bridge view
cyrusoxford: Pit stop
cyrusoxford: Central Park Lake
cyrusoxford: Frying Pan & Corona
cyrusoxford: Back in the Soho Grand
cyrusoxford: Bowery Ballroom Bar Baby
cyrusoxford: Gull Lake Bliss
cyrusoxford: Family boat ride
cyrusoxford: Our captain.
cyrusoxford: Phine with Gull Lake flags.
cyrusoxford: Sahar, get out of my picture!
cyrusoxford: Shari's special chelo kabob.
cyrusoxford: Delicious and idyllic.
cyrusoxford: Gull Lake sunrise.
cyrusoxford: Chicago, old and new.
cyrusoxford: Chicago Bean.