Cyrielle Beaubois: Galápagos Islands - Sea Lion & Sally Light-Foot Crab
Cyrielle Beaubois: Galápagos Islands - Baby Sea Lion
Cyrielle Beaubois: Galápagos Islands - Beach on Santiago Island
Cyrielle Beaubois: Galápagos Islands - Sally Light Footed Crab on Playa Las Bachas
Cyrielle Beaubois: Galápagos Islands - View from the top of Bartolomé Islanc
Cyrielle Beaubois: Galápagos Islands - Blue-footed booby at sunrise on Bartolomé Islanc
Cyrielle Beaubois: Galápagos Islands - Lava Rock Lezard
Cyrielle Beaubois: Galápagos Islands - Caleta Tortuga Negra
Cyrielle Beaubois: Galápagos Islands - Sunset near Isla Genovesa
Cyrielle Beaubois: Galápagos Islands - Darwin's Finch
Cyrielle Beaubois: Galápagos Islands - Sea Lion
Cyrielle Beaubois: Galápagos Islands - Santa Cruz
Cyrielle Beaubois: Galápagos Islands - Red-footed booby
Cyrielle Beaubois: Ecuador | Galápagos Islands • Sunrise on Bartolomé Island
Cyrielle Beaubois: Ecuador | Galápagos Islands •
Cyrielle Beaubois: Ecuador | Galápagos Islands •
Cyrielle Beaubois: Ecuador | Galápagos Islands • Baby Sea Lion