Counting our Blessings: Fun in the Snow :)
Counting our Blessings: Makin a big assed snow angel
Counting our Blessings: My big assed snow angel
Counting our Blessings: It's fun to fall in the snow!
Counting our Blessings: 'You'll never believe the weather in cyprus Dad!..'
Counting our Blessings: Bit tangled there!
Counting our Blessings: The dog did it!
Counting our Blessings: *Brrrrrrrrr *
Counting our Blessings: Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Counting our Blessings: Riley Blue Eyes
Counting our Blessings: Frosty the Snowman
Counting our Blessings: Against the Elements
Counting our Blessings: Hustle and Bustle