cyprest: The drop off (prefire)
cyprest: Swingin' (prefire)
cyprest: Swingin' (prefire)
cyprest: Tree Swing Fun with Leo (prefire)
cyprest: Tree Swing and front steps
cyprest: Gone
cyprest: Looking up
cyprest: One final swing
cyprest: Goodbye Swing Tree
cyprest: Fallen
cyprest: Swing Tree fallen
cyprest: Sugarpine & Douglas Fir
cyprest: Future ceiling beams for our living room
cyprest: Outdoor steps
cyprest: Stump removal
cyprest: Swing Tree stump
cyprest: Another view
cyprest: Future tables
cyprest: Swing tree future table
cyprest: Foundation furrows
cyprest: Ready, set, pour!
cyprest: Future site of the piano
cyprest: Bottom steps
cyprest: Our new door!!!
cyprest: Beams
cyprest: brackets and beams
cyprest: Brackets