cypherone - Taiwan: focus stacking test
cypherone - Taiwan: 我的新背帶 my new camera strap
cypherone - Taiwan: IMG_1214
cypherone - Taiwan: grasshopper's face
cypherone - Taiwan: 三芝飛碟屋這個月要被拆了 the UFO house in Sanjhih is goning to be dismantled in this month
cypherone - Taiwan: 三芝飛碟屋 the UFO house in Sanjhih
cypherone - Taiwan: 萬里飛碟屋 the UFO house in Wanli
cypherone - Taiwan: sunset shooters
cypherone - Taiwan: 雨後 after the rain
cypherone - Taiwan: 墾丁雲
cypherone - Taiwan: IMG_1870
cypherone - Taiwan: 新一代設計展-實踐媒傳
cypherone - Taiwan: time-lapse
cypherone - Taiwan: 不是我拍的也不是我剪的
cypherone - Taiwan: 做白工
cypherone - Taiwan: flowered me
cypherone - Taiwan: 03270005
cypherone - Taiwan: 三芝飛碟屋 the UFO house in Sanjhih
cypherone - Taiwan: IMG_9717
cypherone - Taiwan: IMG_9677
cypherone - Taiwan: Lonely Taipei
cypherone - Taiwan: monument of the Tropic of Cancer
cypherone - Taiwan: 三芝飛碟屋 the UFO house in Sanjhih
cypherone - Taiwan: 三芝飛碟屋 the UFO house in Sanjhih
cypherone - Taiwan: 三芝飛碟屋 the UFO house in Sanjhih
cypherone - Taiwan: 三芝飛碟屋 the UFO house in Sanjhih