Cynthia E. Wood: Remains of the temple
Cynthia E. Wood: Remains of the temple II
Cynthia E. Wood: Two very dirty girls, all packed up and done mooping (w/moon)
Cynthia E. Wood: Flirting with the past
Cynthia E. Wood: Voodoo doll with my name on it
Cynthia E. Wood: Yellow leaf (or, Ode to Eliot Porter)
Cynthia E. Wood: Bay Bridge
Cynthia E. Wood: Confusing
Cynthia E. Wood: Not in the mood to mingle
Cynthia E. Wood: Sucker punched
Cynthia E. Wood: Gridlocked
Cynthia E. Wood: On my sickbed (covered in a fine dusting of playa-dust)
Cynthia E. Wood: Pixie dust
Cynthia E. Wood: Chez moi
Cynthia E. Wood: HELL. YES.
Cynthia E. Wood: Giving thanks
Cynthia E. Wood: Tear-jerker
Cynthia E. Wood: Things you can't tell just by looking at her
Cynthia E. Wood: This is Rychard
Cynthia E. Wood: Sometimes I forget where I am...or who I am.
Cynthia E. Wood: I did it!
Cynthia E. Wood: My very first trip on an airplane.
Cynthia E. Wood: Non, je ne regrette rien
Cynthia E. Wood: Sedan [Dodge Dart Swinger]
Cynthia E. Wood: Happy photographer. About two minutes after taking a series of candid portraits with Tom Waits, Patti Smith, Lenny Kaye & Steve Earle. Yep. All four of them. Together. In the same room!? For Litquake's tribute to Lawrence Ferlinghetti.
Cynthia E. Wood: Photo of Samuel, age 13, by me; photo of me by Samuel - Assignment #3
Cynthia E. Wood: Nightly ritual
Cynthia E. Wood: HJV & RWS - 1981