Jeff--NYC: First you buy the ferry ticket.
Jeff--NYC: Then you get a drink at the bar.
Jeff--NYC: Meanwhile, all the luggage keeps your place in line.
Jeff--NYC: George and Jamie aboard the ferry
Jeff--NYC: Scott wonders if we're there yet.
Jeff--NYC: George models my cheapo sunglasses
Jeff--NYC: Enter the Kitchy beach house - fun!
Jeff--NYC: Eventually you bring some supplies to the beach
Jeff--NYC: This wave nearly waterlogged my camera - knocked me down and everything
Jeff--NYC: I still love the beach
Jeff--NYC: I love it so much!
Jeff--NYC: Hey, what do I spot when I wake up from my beach nap?
Jeff--NYC: Joe and Steve, the guys from across the walk.
Jeff--NYC: Beach trees feel the effects of erosion
Jeff--NYC: Enter the Meatrack
Jeff--NYC: Foxy can't believe he's in the Pines!
Jeff--NYC: Mangy Deer are everywhere - and tame
Jeff--NYC: Sunset was gorgeous
Jeff--NYC: Yep, still gorgeous
Jeff--NYC: Outside the Pavillion, the Pines premier danceclub.
Jeff--NYC: Dusk in the pines
Jeff--NYC: Huge ostentatious beach houses
Jeff--NYC: You can call me Hooty McBoob or Busty St.Claire.
Jeff--NYC: Scott and I leaving on Sunday.
Jeff--NYC: Bye Bye Fire Island! I'll be back.
Jeff--NYC: exportugl0wV
Jeff--NYC: Cherry Grove! I'm back already!
Jeff--NYC: Mangy Deer love eating trash.
Jeff--NYC: Another sunset
Jeff--NYC: Perfect fluffy clouds.