Cygnus~X1 - Visions by Sorenson: Union Pacific Centennial #6901
Cygnus~X1 - Visions by Sorenson: Upper Shoshone Falls
Cygnus~X1 - Visions by Sorenson: The Sawtooth Mountains • Wallpaper
Cygnus~X1 - Visions by Sorenson: Lewis and Clark meet Ben Franklin
Cygnus~X1 - Visions by Sorenson: Hell 'er Bust and the Eagle • Widescreen Wallpaper
Cygnus~X1 - Visions by Sorenson: Sunsets and Refreshing Breezes
Cygnus~X1 - Visions by Sorenson: Good Shepherd Catholic Church
Cygnus~X1 - Visions by Sorenson: Wild Blue Yonder • Widescreen Wallpaper
Cygnus~X1 - Visions by Sorenson: Paint the Sky with Stars
Cygnus~X1 - Visions by Sorenson: “…the big resiny roots and knots of the dwarf pine could neither be beaten out nor blown away...”
Cygnus~X1 - Visions by Sorenson: ISIT? • Wallpaper