cyclotourist: Magic around the corner
cyclotourist: Gub' Ment taking away my free-dumbs!
cyclotourist: Mixed messages
cyclotourist: Mt. San Bernardino from Yucaipa
cyclotourist: Woodhouse Road
cyclotourist: swoopy
cyclotourist: Something cool about snow and palm trees
cyclotourist: Oakridge/Oakmont trails
cyclotourist: crafton hills stitch
cyclotourist: first wave at the top
cyclotourist: justing waiting at the summit
cyclotourist: Oakmont Trail
cyclotourist: Wildwood Canyon State Park
cyclotourist: Carraige Trail Switchback
cyclotourist: convergence
cyclotourist: San Timotoe Creek Trail
cyclotourist: favorite trail
cyclotourist: Looking down at Yucaipa Regional park
cyclotourist: Field of Mustard
cyclotourist: Checking out Mill Creek and Santa Ana River Trail