cyclotourist: leisure activities
cyclotourist: seen this one somewhere...
cyclotourist: no homers
cyclotourist: coho 531
cyclotourist: beautiful!
cyclotourist: checking out the fat tires
cyclotourist: Rough Rider Fellowship far from home
cyclotourist: take one home!
cyclotourist: velo orange cameur
cyclotourist: on sunset
cyclotourist: they're humoring me here
cyclotourist: gated rest area
cyclotourist: hunqaheadbadge
cyclotourist: swag
cyclotourist: big ben
cyclotourist: rear end
cyclotourist: fuzzy
cyclotourist: ohaithere
cyclotourist: bit of trail
cyclotourist: almost looks forested
cyclotourist: Doug
cyclotourist: Jim laying into the turn
cyclotourist: Mike & Duran
cyclotourist: Ian's Hilsen
cyclotourist: top o' the hill
cyclotourist: first wave at the top
cyclotourist: jedi push
cyclotourist: little people in the nexus