cyclotourist: Portland Bound
cyclotourist: packed up and ready to go
cyclotourist: Lake Shasta 2010
cyclotourist: Mt. Shasta dead ahead
cyclotourist: tandem team love Medford. I saw three separate teams riding around separtely.
cyclotourist: somewhere in Oregon
cyclotourist: one of many starts
cyclotourist: Go Beth!
cyclotourist: the dirtiest it will ever get
cyclotourist: cool 24" Bianchi kid bike
cyclotourist: Dirty Monkey
cyclotourist: Cat 2 start
cyclotourist: Arlo finished 18th or so
cyclotourist: Legal Singletrack
cyclotourist: Tearing up the singletrack on Homer
cyclotourist: Team Cheetah
cyclotourist: Bryn