cyclotourist: Are we there yet...?
cyclotourist: Are we there yet...?
cyclotourist: Hey there Michael!
cyclotourist: Are we there yet...?
cyclotourist: Are we there yet...?
cyclotourist: Are we there yet...?
cyclotourist: Are we there yet...?
cyclotourist: Are we there yet...?
cyclotourist: best fork out there!
cyclotourist: Rolling through Santa Monica
cyclotourist: yes, everyone is all smiles now...
cyclotourist: Westwood VA Hospital
cyclotourist: Westwood VA Hospital
cyclotourist: Westwood VA Hospital
cyclotourist: Westwood VA Hospital
cyclotourist: Westwood VA Hospital
cyclotourist: 'nother National Cemetery
cyclotourist: Getty Center
cyclotourist: Scruffy looking nerf herders
cyclotourist: last of the pavement for the next 15 miles
cyclotourist: Winged Goddess of Victory
cyclotourist: slowest drinking fountain ever
cyclotourist: smoke from station fire in distance
cyclotourist: king of the mountain