cyclotourist: You can never go home.
cyclotourist: K-6 for me here
cyclotourist: that was Ms Scully's kindergarten classroom in 1977
cyclotourist: Highway 2
cyclotourist: Big Pine in Big Pines
cyclotourist: Big Pines Lodge
cyclotourist: Big Pines Lodge
cyclotourist: Big Pines Lodge
cyclotourist: Big Pines Lodge
cyclotourist: Big Pines Lodge
cyclotourist: Big Pines Lodge
cyclotourist: Big Pines Lodge
cyclotourist: zoom, zoom, highway 2 wants you!
cyclotourist: this is where i got married, many moons ago
cyclotourist: suffering up to table mtn.
cyclotourist: yodeler
cyclotourist: evergreen cafe
cyclotourist: John Bull Fudge & Toffee Makers