cyclotourist: wide bike lanes
cyclotourist: Ocean trail
cyclotourist: busy intersection full of bikes!
cyclotourist: Hiawatha Cyclery comes West
cyclotourist: chilin'
cyclotourist: stocking up on girl scout cookies!
cyclotourist: Protovelo
cyclotourist: The always beautiful S&S coupler
cyclotourist: Tim, Aaron, Esteban turning
cyclotourist: Eric @ the beach
cyclotourist: survival vehicle
cyclotourist: almost level here
cyclotourist: left turn
cyclotourist: Tim, Esteban & Eric
cyclotourist: Eric & Aaron
cyclotourist: for the record, a pitcher of Anchor Steam is $8.75 at Sonny's... damn good deal!
cyclotourist: well, I took a picture of my beer mug, so J decided to take a picture of his root beer!
cyclotourist: 2/3 of the group after our meal