cyclotourist: Don't forget that cell phone!
cyclotourist: If I had a dam, and I don't, but if I did, I wouldn't want it to leak.
cyclotourist: Dear Sirs: Your dam is leaking.
cyclotourist: Not today!
cyclotourist: Wow, fishing does look fun.
cyclotourist: Boathouse
cyclotourist: This kind gentleman reminded us that kid's shouldn't walk barefoot due to all the fish hooks. Ouch.
cyclotourist: Here fishie, fishie, fishie...
cyclotourist: I guess I've got a thing for little post office buildings...
cyclotourist: U.S. Post Office. I know, I know, you thought it was the Royal Canadian variety, but you would be wrong.
cyclotourist: Work with whatcha' got.