cyclotourist: And a good time was had by all.
cyclotourist: Yet another week goes by...
cyclotourist: It's a double!
cyclotourist: Almost there...
cyclotourist: MMMMMM, crema...
cyclotourist: Integral part of the morning ritual
cyclotourist: cafe con panna
cyclotourist: New friend in the house
cyclotourist: Locked and loaded
cyclotourist: Double Espresso, just like our Tandem!
cyclotourist: Tamping
cyclotourist: Packed nicely
cyclotourist: Frothie foam
cyclotourist: OK, I know you're suppossed to pour the froth into the espresso, but this is the way it gets done in our house!
cyclotourist: Cosmo in the pink room
cyclotourist: It kind of looked like a face, but not really
cyclotourist: Whole lotta leeks to go
cyclotourist: Fontiago
cyclotourist: The plan
cyclotourist: Stilton and Glouchester. Yummy.
cyclotourist: Gorgonzola
cyclotourist: Stout and vegi-bacon. Breakfast of champions.
cyclotourist: Drizzle the stout into the batter, a little bit on top before each pour...
cyclotourist: Hmmm, look at all that carbonated goodness
cyclotourist: Quick pic while waiting to finish the pour...
cyclotourist: And the winner is....
cyclotourist: These glasses are cool. They hold a pint+ of fluidic goodness!