cyclotourist: Redlands Conservancy Trails @ 10
cyclotourist: Redlands Conservancy Trails @ 10
cyclotourist: Redlands Conservancy Trails @ 10
cyclotourist: Redlands Conservancy Trails @ 10
cyclotourist: Redlands Conservancy Trails @ 10
cyclotourist: Redlands Conservancy Trails @ 10
cyclotourist: First in line rolling up the trail
cyclotourist: 1.25 mile rest stop
cyclotourist: 1.25 mile rest stop
cyclotourist: Powering the computer I'm writing on right now
cyclotourist: Former rail crossing the Santa Ana River at Mt. View Ave.
cyclotourist: Soon, very soon...
cyclotourist: Ya' works with whatcha' got.
cyclotourist: Turn around point at Lugonia. About 2.5 miles into it.
cyclotourist: Only the foundation is left...
cyclotourist: Abandoned well
cyclotourist: Abandoned well
cyclotourist: Abandoned irrigation well and canal. Oh yeah, and the groves they once served.
cyclotourist: '67 Vette
cyclotourist: '67 Vette
cyclotourist: Post Ride Recovery