cyclotourist: Wife Panda
cyclotourist: Nearly headless ride-by
cyclotourist: View back at the stop
cyclotourist: Glorius meets D'Lite
cyclotourist: I had to do something with the leftover stout... besides, with the time change, it felt like 9:30, not 8:30.
cyclotourist: Pimpin' for Trader Joes
cyclotourist: Decisions, decisions...
cyclotourist: Bath time
cyclotourist: A healthy AND happy lunch (both are relative)
cyclotourist: Like father, like son...
cyclotourist: Transportation for five
cyclotourist: How did I get here?
cyclotourist: Greetings!
cyclotourist: My life in a nut shell
cyclotourist: Victim of the hail storm?
cyclotourist: Just another day...
cyclotourist: Scooter Ouch
cyclotourist: Cosmos for two
cyclotourist: Dualing banjos... er, laptops. Finding out what The Google has to say about losing a baby tooth.
cyclotourist: It was a good day
cyclotourist: Goin' to school morning shadows
cyclotourist: My work station
cyclotourist: homemade biscotti
cyclotourist: new socks for christ's mass
cyclotourist: I am the king of the stackrobats!
cyclotourist: sunny day double panda
cyclotourist: Mom's away, and Papa's cooking dinner tonight...