cyclofiend: Ready for Rains
cyclofiend: Rolling Out
cyclofiend: Rolling Out
cyclofiend: Rolling through Larkspur
cyclofiend: JimG signals his intentions
cyclofiend: Over the Shoulder - San Anselmo
cyclofiend: Heading towards White's Hill
cyclofiend: Carlos Again
cyclofiend: Over the Shoulder - Fairfax
cyclofiend: There's JimG
cyclofiend: White's Hill Approach
cyclofiend: SP Taylor Park - Breaktime
cyclofiend: Top Down Quickbeam
cyclofiend: Up From Tocaloma
cyclofiend: Fogged Lens SFD descent
cyclofiend: Bear Valley Road
cyclofiend: Beautiful Morning
cyclofiend: Top down Again
cyclofiend: Tomales Bay Reflection
cyclofiend: Ok, Let's Climb
cyclofiend: Whew! That One's Done
cyclofiend: Sea Level
cyclofiend: Dryin' the Clammy Gloves
cyclofiend: Drake's Bay
cyclofiend: Chasing Carlos
cyclofiend: Let's Edge Upwards A Bit
cyclofiend: Ocean, Cows, Fence
cyclofiend: Front Tire Blowout
cyclofiend: Last Painful Bit to the Lighthouse
cyclofiend: Pt. Reyes Lighthouse Lot