In Memoriam Laveen Photography (aka cyclist451): 100 Strangers 8:100 - ColdSteel Creations
In Memoriam Laveen Photography (aka cyclist451): Sandy Rusinko (Stranger 24), Williams AZ - Explore #290
In Memoriam Laveen Photography (aka cyclist451): Mrs. Velasquez, Amigo Metal - Stranger 31
In Memoriam Laveen Photography (aka cyclist451): Ramon Velasquez, Amigo Metal - Stranger 32
In Memoriam Laveen Photography (aka cyclist451): Spanish Market, Artist At Work on Madonna
In Memoriam Laveen Photography (aka cyclist451): Monument to Those Who Built Hoover Dam
In Memoriam Laveen Photography (aka cyclist451): Steven, Randall, and New Art on the Mall - STRANGERS 33 & 34
In Memoriam Laveen Photography (aka cyclist451): Steven and Randall USDA STRANGERS 33 & 34
In Memoriam Laveen Photography (aka cyclist451): Be Inspired - Plant It by Hoerr Schaudt Landscape Architects
In Memoriam Laveen Photography (aka cyclist451): Art or a New Construction Project
In Memoriam Laveen Photography (aka cyclist451): The Painter - Art Imitating Art
In Memoriam Laveen Photography (aka cyclist451): All Hands (Chihuly Blue & Purple Boat)