cybertoad: The view from my 'pod'. #nyc #empirestate #pod39
cybertoad: The Chrysler Bldg. peeks out. #nyc #chryslerbuilding #pod39
cybertoad: #empirestate #pod39 #nyc
cybertoad: Bleeker Street Station
cybertoad: The King of Pop. #michaeljackson #nyc #streetart
cybertoad: There's color in #nyc even on a rainy day.
cybertoad: Rainy day in #nyc #empirestate
cybertoad: Grand Central Terminal
cybertoad: upload
cybertoad: The new World Trade Center. #wtc #911 #nyc #empirestate
cybertoad: #nyc #empirestate
cybertoad: #empirestate #nyc #starbucks
cybertoad: Self-reflection. #nyc #empirestate #911
cybertoad: upload
cybertoad: upload
cybertoad: #nyc #empirestate
cybertoad: On top of The Rock #nyc #30rock #empirestate
cybertoad: B&W #nyc #30rock #empirestate
cybertoad: incoming #nyc #metro #subway #mta
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cybertoad: #nyc #reservour #centralpark
cybertoad: 25th St. & 10 Ave.
cybertoad: #betten #nyc #streetart #highline
cybertoad: #streetart #nyc #highline
cybertoad: #nyc #chelsea #highline
cybertoad: 'You &Me' by Allen Ruppersberg #nyc #chelsea #highline
cybertoad: #chelsea #nyc #highline
cybertoad: upload
cybertoad: Cost was here. #streetart #wheatpaste #nyc Washington & Gansevoort
cybertoad: #tram #rooseveltisland #nyc