cybertoad: Colorful Self
cybertoad: Self-Portrait in San Pedro
cybertoad: Me & Bob
cybertoad: Friends in Old Town Spring
cybertoad: Walk
cybertoad: December Tiara Happy Hour
cybertoad: Silvery Reflection
cybertoad: Wortham Reflections
cybertoad: Leaving a meeting in Downtown
cybertoad: Ladle Reflections
cybertoad: Knick-knack car
cybertoad: In the Air & Space Museum
cybertoad: Golden Helmet Reflecrions
cybertoad: Reflected w/ the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project in the background...
cybertoad: Theatrical Reflections
cybertoad: Stetson Girls
cybertoad: For mlsnp
cybertoad: Ghosts in the TV
cybertoad: Reflected in Eda Dell's Apartment
cybertoad: Reflected in a Red Mirror
cybertoad: Double Trouble
cybertoad: It's Turbo Meatloaf!
cybertoad: Orchid Holiday Window Dressing
cybertoad: Ornamental Reflection
cybertoad: Obligatory Spherical Reflection Shot
cybertoad: Lunch w/ BPC
cybertoad: Me x 2
cybertoad: Holiday Reflections
cybertoad: In the Jones Hall Ladies Room
cybertoad: Lunch at Houston's