cybertoad: Sunrise
cybertoad: IMG_4656
cybertoad: IMG_4664
cybertoad: Catching the train...
cybertoad: Entrance to Leeds Castle
cybertoad: On the way to Leeds
cybertoad: CJ & Susan on train to Leeds
cybertoad: Gardens at Leeds Castle
cybertoad: Coming up to Leeds Castle
cybertoad: Leeds Castle
cybertoad: The Maze a Leeds Castle
cybertoad: DSCN0784
cybertoad: DSCN0785
cybertoad: Parliament as seen from the London Eye
cybertoad: DSCN0815
cybertoad: Looking up the Tower Bridge
cybertoad: Paul's Mini
cybertoad: Susan & CJ in the London Eye
cybertoad: Looking Around
cybertoad: Looking up at The Eye
cybertoad: House of Parliament
cybertoad: Don't I look all National Geographic here?
cybertoad: Covnent Gardens
cybertoad: David Blaine looking tired.
cybertoad: A wacky British family...
cybertoad: Hugging the Egg!
cybertoad: My favorite shot of the trip!
cybertoad: Waiting for the Train
cybertoad: Mind the Gap
cybertoad: Michelle & Paul