wirehead: Herb
wirehead: Fetching
wirehead: Pstarr
wirehead: Tracy
wirehead: Mitch
wirehead: Elea is f'n metal. Always.
wirehead: Elea
wirehead: When we leave the planet, this is what it's going to start looking like...
wirehead: Upwards
wirehead: On the railing
wirehead: Maximum RB67
wirehead: Trying this one for size
wirehead: Snuggled up with the RB67
wirehead: When they said wildlife near the office, I thought they were talking about bars
wirehead: More emilyann
wirehead: Another band shoot
wirehead: Another band shoot
wirehead: Bird at 205mm
wirehead: From a new vantage point
wirehead: Rocks
wirehead: Underground waterfall
wirehead: Confab.yahoo
wirehead: Aftwerwards
wirehead: The writer
wirehead: Confab.yahoo
wirehead: Confab.yahoo
wirehead: Confab.yahoo
wirehead: Confab.yahoo