wirehead: Jess was over for fishynets and cupcakes!
wirehead: Laying
wirehead: HORNS!
wirehead: Cuppycakes!
wirehead: The power of color gels
wirehead: Silly jess
wirehead: Jess fits nicely in the bottom corner of a frame
wirehead: Jess will probably want me to remind you..
wirehead: Be vewwy quiet. I'm hunting dancers
wirehead: Jess is comfy
wirehead: Even littler in wide angle...
wirehead: Lightpainting and strobes
wirehead: fenchurch is a 31337 h4x0r
wirehead: I flashed jess. This isn't news anymore. :)
wirehead: Quit looking down my shirt, Wirehead
wirehead: Awww....
wirehead: Jess is sad because I ate guinea pig
wirehead: Jess
wirehead: Draw!
wirehead: All choked up about the wirehat
wirehead: "Damn you, Wirehead"
wirehead: Guess what this is?
wirehead: I flashed Fenchurch!