wirehead: Mechanical pumps
wirehead: Airports in the desert
wirehead: luncheon
wirehead: Salton sea
wirehead: Driving through the desert
wirehead: In the desert
wirehead: Playing with the N95's camera
wirehead: 06/04/2008
wirehead: 06/04/2008
wirehead: 06/04/2008
wirehead: 06/04/2008
wirehead: Mountain out of a mole hill
wirehead: Tree
wirehead: Slice of hills
wirehead: Building a mountain
wirehead: Ocotillo
wirehead: Badlands
wirehead: Salton Sea in the distance
wirehead: Hilltop
wirehead: Clearing
wirehead: Wash
wirehead: Desert
wirehead: An Ocotillo
wirehead: All a wash
wirehead: Rocks at anza borrego
wirehead: Molehills to mountains
wirehead: Sandy desert
wirehead: Anza-Borrego Desert
wirehead: Copycat row
wirehead: Weird knobbly hills