wirehead: Elea
wirehead: Elea is f'n metal. Always.
wirehead: Elea
wirehead: Lens Flare
wirehead: Elea and the fishnets
wirehead: Mean to Elea
wirehead: Goth elea with a santa hat
wirehead: Elea
wirehead: Elea in her birthday suit
wirehead: Elea caught in a weird expression
wirehead: Pouty Elea
wirehead: Elea with the RB
wirehead: The termite meme
wirehead: Mad Elea
wirehead: Green elea
wirehead: Elea
wirehead: Elea
wirehead: Elea on the chair
wirehead: That's one way to keep the stockings up
wirehead: Harajuku girls are plugged in, technologically
wirehead: Yes, she's going to blend this crowbar.
wirehead: Lego playing instructions
wirehead: Four legs...
wirehead: Pile of models...