wirehead: After a train-dodge
wirehead: The first train to dodge
wirehead: Skin Deep
wirehead: Drawbridge
wirehead: Going to Drawbridge with .nida and bobmorton
wirehead: Marsh
wirehead: Solar Cells
wirehead: Tilted signaling post
wirehead: Salt
wirehead: Back patio
wirehead: Debris of a former life
wirehead: Texture
wirehead: To rust you shall return
wirehead: Falling down
wirehead: Don't wear your good socks to drawbridge...
wirehead: Alien landscape
wirehead: Kitchen
wirehead: Room for decay
wirehead: Vista
wirehead: Bob & Nida intent on taking pictures
wirehead: Somebody lived here
wirehead: The array of photographers
wirehead: Decay
wirehead: This one's mostly gone
wirehead: House
wirehead: I can never resist these....
wirehead: Old power
wirehead: View
wirehead: Drawbridge
wirehead: Drawbridge