Cyber Phantasm: 8th Flr, in the backoffice building
Cyber Phantasm: me in the 8th Flr
Cyber Phantasm: ASIAREGCAP Project - Technical Team (Local)
Cyber Phantasm: Asia Finance Control and Regulatory IT (Local)
Cyber Phantasm: lobby to the Roppongi Hills Tower
Cyber Phantasm: office at the 30th Flr, Roppongi Hills Tower
Cyber Phantasm: taking a pic before they take away the "stone"
Cyber Phantasm: Kaori W, David B and Yuka T at Benugo-R6
Cyber Phantasm: view from the office at Roppong Hills
Cyber Phantasm: Kaori W at the 30th Flr VC Room
Cyber Phantasm: Suguru I at the 30th Flr VC Room
Cyber Phantasm: Suguru, Kaori and Chris