JadeJadead: tree cat
JadeJadead: obi sleeping
JadeJadead: Princess Leia
JadeJadead: Obi close up
JadeJadead: Autumn sunshine for Leia
JadeJadead: poised & princessy in the sunshine
JadeJadead: Kitchen cat
JadeJadead: Obi in the kitchen
JadeJadead: lizardlike leia
JadeJadead: Grumpy
JadeJadead: Princess Leia, anime cat
JadeJadead: Sunshine cat
JadeJadead: too close for Obi
JadeJadead: Obi's first time outside
JadeJadead: Smiley Obi elbows
JadeJadead: DSCF7965
JadeJadead: Obi disgruntled
JadeJadead: Obi
JadeJadead: Obi Kenobi
JadeJadead: Leia
JadeJadead: a twinkle in her eye
JadeJadead: leia outside
JadeJadead: why do cats like grass?
JadeJadead: sleeping? who, me?
JadeJadead: macro catface
JadeJadead: My eye on you
JadeJadead: louche leia in the sun
JadeJadead: obi kenobi chilling on his tower