cybermelli: the blacks
cybermelli: the blues
cybermelli: the reds
cybermelli: the browns
cybermelli: the pinks
cybermelli: the purples
cybermelli: the yellows
cybermelli: the greens
cybermelli: the whites
cybermelli: the tans
cybermelli: the oranges
cybermelli: alll the converse...... i think!
cybermelli: more shoeses
cybermelli: more shoeses
cybermelli: more shoeses
cybermelli: more shoeses
cybermelli: whew... this was not easy... to collect... or photograph. it's already inaccurrate as i believe i have a lighter pink pair on the way...
cybermelli: whew... this was not easy... to collect... or photograph. it's already inaccurrate as i believe i have a lighter pink pair on the way...