cybermelli: these are the new girls that i can't put down today... i took them with me to our family gathering. took a few (crappy) shots of them on the beach there which i'll post later!
cybermelli: crazy ass new moon fleece blanket!
cybermelli: awesome coraline dolly!
cybermelli: awesome old navy doll! she's so big, i didn't realize!
cybermelli: lots of new moon puzzles and my new seatbeltbag!
cybermelli: bon jovi dvd and book :-)
cybermelli: giant chess bookends, breaking dawn style
cybermelli: new girls! i'm kinda crazy and i didn't open a bunch of packages that came this week till this morning! i like to save things for christmas even if they didn't really come from santa!
cybermelli: tree at my uncle's
cybermelli: grandpa
cybermelli: ann, grandpa... they were fighting just moments after this....
cybermelli: photos borrowed from others -- wanted these for my stream for one reason or another so just doing a mass dump
cybermelli: photos borrowed from others -- wanted these for my stream for one reason or another so just doing a mass dump
cybermelli: photos borrowed from others -- wanted these for my stream for one reason or another so just doing a mass dump
cybermelli: photos borrowed from others -- wanted these for my stream for one reason or another so just doing a mass dump
cybermelli: photos borrowed from others -- wanted these for my stream for one reason or another so just doing a mass dump
cybermelli: photos borrowed from others -- wanted these for my stream for one reason or another so just doing a mass dump
cybermelli: chris and jo doing some christmas cooking in their pjs
cybermelli: chris and jo doing some christmas cooking in their pjs