cybermelli: behind. these are monday doll a day pix and they're after midnite and i'm going to die tomorrow from lack of sleep. anyway, i've owned this doll for like 2 years and i have never photograhed her and she has no name and i should be ashamed. adad 164/365
cybermelli: i'm behind. these are my monday doll a day pix and they're after midnite and i'm going to die tomorrow from lack of sleep. anyway, i've owned this doll for like 2 years and i have never photograhed her and she has no name and i should be ashamed.
cybermelli: i'm behind. these are my monday doll a day pix and they're after midnite and i'm going to die tomorrow from lack of sleep. anyway, i've owned this doll for like 2 years and i have never photograhed her and she has no name and i should be ashamed.
cybermelli: i'm behind. these are my monday doll a day pix and they're after midnite and i'm going to die tomorrow from lack of sleep. anyway, i've owned this doll for like 2 years and i have never photograhed her and she has no name and i should be ashamed.