cybermelli: i.m. swan
cybermelli: i.m. swan
cybermelli: i.m. swan
cybermelli: i.m. swan
cybermelli: i.m. swan
cybermelli: i.m. swan
cybermelli: i.m. swan
cybermelli: i.m. swan
cybermelli: bella swan
cybermelli: bella swan
cybermelli: bella swan
cybermelli: bella swan
cybermelli: bella swan adad 88/365
cybermelli: bella swan
cybermelli: bella swan
cybermelli: bella swan
cybermelli: breakfast with michele and her girls!
cybermelli: me and the kids at the forks sign
cybermelli: yuki & melissa adad 99/365
cybermelli: this is what i've set up by my window... so, it feels like home
cybermelli: this is what i've set up by my window... so, it feels like home
cybermelli: jane mako miga, bella
cybermelli: jane, mako, miga, bella adad 98/365
cybermelli: bella, michele's sammydoe custom
cybermelli: bella, michele's sammydoe custom
cybermelli: bella adad 97/365
cybermelli: bella
cybermelli: bella -- this is the supposed "cullen house" in forks. it looks nothing like the house in the movie... but, ya know.
cybermelli: bella -- this is the supposed "cullen house" in forks. it looks nothing like the house in the movie... but, ya know.
cybermelli: bella -- this is the supposed "cullen house" in forks. it looks nothing like the house in the movie... but, ya know.