frecklescorp: Will's speech
frecklescorp: the father thinks
frecklescorp: the father thinks
frecklescorp: Will as best man
frecklescorp: Will's speech
frecklescorp: Will's speech
frecklescorp: Dan, Nicole and Will
frecklescorp: Speech
frecklescorp: Dan and Nicole + dad and uncle
frecklescorp: Cake cutting
frecklescorp: wedding cake
frecklescorp: cake cutting
frecklescorp: cake cutting
frecklescorp: cake cutting
frecklescorp: father of the bride speech
frecklescorp: Stef and Dan
frecklescorp: George
frecklescorp: me and Andy
frecklescorp: golf club shenanigans
frecklescorp: boogie
frecklescorp: me and andy
frecklescorp: me and andy
frecklescorp: george and will
frecklescorp: george and will
frecklescorp: me and andy talk music
frecklescorp: wedding hug
frecklescorp: the happy couple
frecklescorp: luverly laydees