cyaneyed: pyramid in raleigh NC
cyaneyed: mock grumpiness
cyaneyed: leaving ocean isle beach in the convertible with top down
cyaneyed: last day in NC
cyaneyed: ocean fishes for man
cyaneyed: wave back
cyaneyed: waves
cyaneyed: waves
cyaneyed: to remember the ocean and what it felt like.
cyaneyed: what? you say you're bored of wave photos?
cyaneyed: too bad, more waves
cyaneyed: more waves
cyaneyed: lots more waves
cyaneyed: NC Dune
cyaneyed: gull
cyaneyed: neighbors sleeping
cyaneyed: night
cyaneyed: new friends
cyaneyed: jason happy, but tired
cyaneyed: party girl
cyaneyed: sherri
cyaneyed: steph!
cyaneyed: after much work, the first katamari damashi is completed
cyaneyed: dot's point of view
cyaneyed: the beach!
cyaneyed: parasailing
cyaneyed: dad airlines
cyaneyed: dot spun
cyaneyed: don!
cyaneyed: ger