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2014-03 Chow Kit Market (EM5 45mm 60mm) by 青蛙 Frog
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青蛙 Frog
八点半咯,懒猫起身啦 Wake up lazy cat, it's already 8:30am
青蛙 Frog
又是月尾了 Another month is over
青蛙 Frog
卖鸡佬的办公室 Outdoor office
青蛙 Frog
快门都不比他快 He's faster than the shutter speed
青蛙 Frog
Chow Kit Market
青蛙 Frog
他说是非洲美食 He told me it is an African cuisine
青蛙 Frog
有人坐着做工,有人坐着等工作 At work and waiting for work
青蛙 Frog
避开被晒 Avoiding the Sun
青蛙 Frog
我跟他讲,叫Action就传过来 I told him to turn when I say Action
青蛙 Frog
冲冲走过 Rushing through
青蛙 Frog
抓鼠行动 Rat-catching campaign
青蛙 Frog
如来神脚 Mesmerized in the morning papers
青蛙 Frog
菜市的人都叫他‘矮仔’,在这里做了几十年了 People in the Market calls him 'Shorty', has been working here for few decades
青蛙 Frog
一条小巷的故事 Many stories are told here
青蛙 Frog
想起黑羊和白羊的故事 Patience is a virtue
青蛙 Frog
老当益壮 A healthy elderly
青蛙 Frog
坐着看街市的猫 The Cat is watching
青蛙 Frog
闭目养神 Repose
青蛙 Frog
会讲故事的眼神 Eyes tell a story
青蛙 Frog
他打一个喷嚏,我的手抖一抖 He sneezes, my hand shaked
青蛙 Frog
Chow Kit Market
青蛙 Frog
这个老巴剎听说今年八月要拆了 An old market soon to be demolished in a few months
青蛙 Frog
打面佬 The mee you eat near Chow Kit probably comes from here
青蛙 Frog
要被拍到 Want To Be Photographed
青蛙 Frog
跟影子一起走 Following the shadows
青蛙 Frog
试试每天都在做这个 Try doing this everyday
青蛙 Frog
歇一会 Morning Nap
青蛙 Frog
(粤话) “数还数,路还路” Doing things right
青蛙 Frog
坎坷人生路 There are no easy paths for most people
青蛙 Frog
Chow Kit Kuala Lumpur
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