青蛙 Frog: 喝茶看报 Daily Rituals of News Paper & Tea
青蛙 Frog: 用心的小贩 When you put your heart into something
青蛙 Frog: 金钱和关系 Money and Relationship
青蛙 Frog: Imbi Market Kuala Lumpur
青蛙 Frog: 幸福的爷爷喂孙子吃 Grandchildren
青蛙 Frog: 毕竟生活还是像往常一样的比较好 It is better that Life goes on as usual without too much disruptions http://cwwongphotography.blogspot.com/2014/04/sometimes-no-changes-are-better.html
青蛙 Frog: 小时候的我也是叮当迷 I was a fan too
青蛙 Frog: 大家都是为了生活 We are all here to live life
青蛙 Frog: Imbi Market Kuala Lumpur
青蛙 Frog: Imbi Market Kuala Lumpur
青蛙 Frog: 等外卖等到发呆 Dazed waiting
青蛙 Frog: 又起价 Price increase again
青蛙 Frog: 埋头苦干 Hard at Work
青蛙 Frog: 少年,中年,老年 Stage of the Ages
青蛙 Frog: 就快看破红尘 Soon disillusioned
青蛙 Frog: 未婚 Still Single
青蛙 Frog: 吹水 Chit-Chat
青蛙 Frog: 一路有我 The Journey
青蛙 Frog: 三杯水 3 glasses of water
青蛙 Frog: 每日新闻过滤 Filtering through the daily news
青蛙 Frog: 聊 Chat