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2014-03 Bukit Bintang (EM5 45mm) by 青蛙 Frog
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青蛙 Frog
Bukit Bintang KL
青蛙 Frog
拍拖上班 Dating to Work
青蛙 Frog
隐隐约约的看到双峰塔 I am one can recognize that iconic skyscraper once the tallest in the world
青蛙 Frog
我认识这位卖椰浆饭的马来同胞近二十年了 It has been around 20 years I know of this Malay Nasi Lemak Vendor
青蛙 Frog
很可能是吉隆坡既便宜又方便的午餐 Probably one of the cheapest lunch you can get in Kuala Lumpur
青蛙 Frog
是不是不应该在这里的物件 Are these in their right places
青蛙 Frog
等 Waiting
青蛙 Frog
无厘头 Senseless head
青蛙 Frog
总觉得吉隆坡这间银行有点像香港的汇丰银行 Has the characteristics of Hong Kong Central's HSBC Bank
青蛙 Frog
走过的陌生人 Stranger passing
青蛙 Frog
又一间大厦在计划中 Another one on the drawing boards
青蛙 Frog
车位拿了 Parking space taken
青蛙 Frog
Bukit Bintang KL
青蛙 Frog
吉隆坡少见到的华人命名的路牌 (叶大池路) One of the very few Chinese named road signs in KL
青蛙 Frog
每天早上都见到的画面,因为我的车就停放在对面 Unfamiliar Familiarity
青蛙 Frog
经济是好是坏,真是搞不清楚 Is the economy getting btter
青蛙 Frog
古典美的诱惑 Daily tempations
青蛙 Frog
一个三岁到八十岁都熟悉的品牌 A familiar brand
青蛙 Frog
近两日的天气好转,早上阳光普超 The weather in KL seems to be better these 2 days
青蛙 Frog
作为马来西亚人, 这两个星期有点失落 It is tough to be a Malaysian these past two weeks
青蛙 Frog
每日都走过熟悉的地方,见到不熟悉的路人 Familiar places, unfamiliar faces
青蛙 Frog
听不到音乐的音符 Unsung Musical Notes
青蛙 Frog
劳苦功高的警察叔叔 All eyes on the policeman
青蛙 Frog
看到我 (1) Saw me (1)
青蛙 Frog
走开 (2) Leaving the scene (2)
青蛙 Frog
常物 Frequent obstruction
青蛙 Frog
陷阱 Trap
青蛙 Frog
默默走过 Silent surroundings
青蛙 Frog
又要开工了 Another day at work
青蛙 Frog
又是时间收档了 Finished for the day
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