青蛙 Frog: 午休, 新玩具 Having fun with new toy
青蛙 Frog: 四个星期没拍照了,终于放下心情带着相机吉隆坡铁塔周边走走 A morning walk with the OMD & Note 3 around KLCC
青蛙 Frog: 喜欢那渐晕效应 Like the vignetting
青蛙 Frog: 拍的时候,有一种想法,如果7mm就好了,贪心 Greedy to want wider when shooting this one
青蛙 Frog: 听说吉隆坡双峰塔周边这些豪华公寓炒的很厉害 Luxurious Condomiums on the rise around KLCC
青蛙 Frog: 感觉好鬼鼠 snicky me
青蛙 Frog: 做个假人好过做真人, 站着什么都不用想 24 hours job of mannequins
青蛙 Frog: 同事说, 去了人物, 会有点纽约的感觉 New York feel (without the humans)
青蛙 Frog: 这小小的鱼眼镜头, 室内这样的效果很不错啦 Small fish-eye lens, getting such interior results not bad
青蛙 Frog: 渺小的大树在都市建築丛林中挣扎 Green struggle in the city amongst the concrete towers
青蛙 Frog: 好像走了一圈又一圈 It is like going around in circles
青蛙 Frog: 有时候拍这种街头照,偶然路过的人会觉得很有问题, 这就是我要拍的情景 I was really just trying a catch a curious passeby when photographing this scene
青蛙 Frog: 路的确是人走出来的 Human paths
青蛙 Frog: 黄对蓝 Yellow vs Blue
青蛙 Frog: 马路如虎口 Street is like a tiger's den