Clinton Steeds: Hollywood Bowl Overlook
Clinton Steeds: MIke and Finn at the Hollywood Bowl Overlook
Clinton Steeds: Mike, Finn, and Me at the Hollywood Bowl Overlook
Clinton Steeds: Ominous Universal City
Clinton Steeds: Finn Calls Kat from Mulholland Drive
Clinton Steeds: Mike at Universal City Overlook
Clinton Steeds: Mulholland Scenic Overlook
Clinton Steeds: The West Valley from Mulholland Scenic Overlook
Clinton Steeds: Rocky the "Scuba Pig"
Clinton Steeds: Pidgeons Swarm
Clinton Steeds: Placid Seagull and Friend
Clinton Steeds: Brain Devoured by World's Cutest Lovecraftian Horror
Clinton Steeds: Pacific Park
Clinton Steeds: Pacific Park Line Study
Clinton Steeds: Finn on Santa Monica Pier
Clinton Steeds: Pacific Park from Farther along the Pier
Clinton Steeds: Interesting Pole at Santa Monica Pier
Clinton Steeds: Supports of Santa Monica Pier
Clinton Steeds: Mike and Finn at the End of the Pier
Clinton Steeds: Walking Back to Shore
Clinton Steeds: The Foundation of a Friendship
Clinton Steeds: The James Oviatt Building
Clinton Steeds: Pershing Square Fountain
Clinton Steeds: The Statues of Pershing Square
Clinton Steeds: The Downcast Genius of Pershing Square
Clinton Steeds: To the Local Heroes
Clinton Steeds: Noble Eagle
Clinton Steeds: 7th California Infantry, U.S.V.
Clinton Steeds: The Dinosaur in the Fountain Pool
Clinton Steeds: Los Angeles Central Library