Clinton Steeds: False Guardians
Clinton Steeds: Better Safe, They Say
Clinton Steeds: Graveyard
Clinton Steeds: Failed Buriel
Clinton Steeds: Innocence Fears Not
Clinton Steeds: The Faerie Light
Clinton Steeds: Unnatural Greeting
Clinton Steeds: Unquiet
Clinton Steeds: Remnants of a Meal
Clinton Steeds: Greatly Mourned
Clinton Steeds: The Failure of the Warder
Clinton Steeds: Thataway
Clinton Steeds: The House of God Offered No Refuge on This Unholy Night
Clinton Steeds: Jack o' Excellent
Clinton Steeds: Garage Scarecrow
Clinton Steeds: Ingenious Halloween Greeting
Clinton Steeds: Halloween Portrait
Clinton Steeds: Halloween Self-Portrait
Clinton Steeds: My Costume 1
Clinton Steeds: My Costume 2
Clinton Steeds: My Costume Close-Up
Clinton Steeds: Entering the Party
Clinton Steeds: A Bottle in Front of Me
Clinton Steeds: Joel Schumaker's Unfulfilled Dream
Clinton Steeds: They Do the Mash. They Do the Monster Mash.
Clinton Steeds: Illogical
Clinton Steeds: Holy Father
Clinton Steeds: Crania Maxima
Clinton Steeds: Are You Out There, Camera Chick?
Clinton Steeds: Angelic